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A boy and man riding horses.

What We Do

Foundation horsemanship for you and your horse from the ground up.

We exist to help you and your horse build a solid foundation. That means one which will allow you to go in any direction. As such, we don’t major in any one discipline or event. We aim to teach basic principles that you can carry with you into whatever field you choose. Our methods are simple enough that an eight year old can put them into practice, but applicable enough that you will find use for them in the roping pen, on a jumping course, in a rodeo or dressage arena, or out on the trail.


We teach these principles through various programs. We offer training for your horse at every stage, from halter-breaking your weanling, to starting your colt, to helping work with your older “problem horse”. We also offer live demonstrations on various topics, in person or via zoom. We are offer one day, two day, or one week sessions for those who want to to develop their horsemanship, at our facility here in Carthage, South Dakota. Whatever level you or you and your horse are at, we want to help you take the next step, whatever that may be.

A horse walking over flower boxes.
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